Steps are being taken to prevent human trafficking, Federal Minister for Law and Justice and Human Rights Azam Nazeer Tarar

Islamabad –  : Federal Minister for Law and Justice and Human Rights Azam Nazir Tarar has said that steps are being taken to prevent illegal human trafficking and it is primarily the responsibility of the state to provide its citizens with an environment where they could live in their country. Federal Minister for law and Justice and Human Rights Azam Nazir Tarar, while addressing the report launching event “Perilous Journeys: Unraveling Irregular Migration from Pakistan” organized by NCHR as a chief guest, said that the main reason behind the serious problem of irregular migration could be poor economic conditions due to which someone had to leave his siblings, parents and other loved ones. They leave and are forced to live in difficult conditions in another place, as state of Pakistan is facing this problem, during illegal migration one has to go through many painful stages, during this process many fatal incidents also happened. As seen happening, the survivors of these accidents fall into the hands of human traffickers who push them into a life of slavery at very low prices. Federal Minister of Law and Justice Azam Nazir Tarar said that it is the responsibility of the state to deal with the multi-faceted problems faced with illegal and irregular migration and people should be provided with a favorable environment.He said if any individual on account of his professional skills. Wants to go to any country, facilities should be provided for it and for this purpose relaxation of rules and regulations is necessary. Federal Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazir Tarar appreciated the efforts of NCHR and said that this report is very important. Thanks to this report, there will be support in the progress towards these measures which could not be done in the past to stop illegal migration. He said that this report of NCHR will be presented at all relevant forums including Cabinet. so that concrete steps can be taken to end illegal migration from Pakistan. Federal Minister of Law and Justice and Human Rights Azam Nazir Tarar assured that concrete steps would be taken by the government in this regard.

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