Call attention disposed of on Govt. assurance in BA:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Balochistan Assembly disposed of call attention notice about the damages caused due to recent heavy rains in Pishin and Chaman districts, here in its session on Tuesday.
The Speaker Provincial Assembly, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Achakzai was in the chair.
The Member Provincial Assembly belonging to Opposition, Asghar Tareen tabled the call attention notice.
In the notice, he pointed out that the agriculture sector was badly affected due to the recent rains in the province.
The flashflood and rains caused heavy human and financial losses in Pishin and Chaman.
Besides, the houses of people were also damaged due to the torrential rains forcing them to live in the tents in open sky, he further pointed out.
The MPA Asghar Tareen demanded of the government to pay compensation to the affectees at the earliest.
Speaking on the call attention notice, the Provincial Minister for Revenue, Mir Asim Kurd assured that the compensation would be paid to the rain and flood affected people soon.
He said that the 2022 floods had severely affected the province causing damages to the basic infrastructure.
He said that Naseerabad division was mostly affected during the floods while the compensation of the damages is still awaited.
He mentioned Rs. 16 billion have been released by the federal government for flood affected people.
Earlier, speaking on the point of order, the Provincial Minister Ali Madad Jatak said that zamindars have been protesting for their demands outside the provincial assembly.
He said that the Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti has assured to solarize the agricultural tube wells of the growers. He said that the funds would be provided by the federal and provincial governments for solarization of the tube wells.
The leader of Opposition, Mir Younas Aziz Zehri said that the zamindars are lodging protest over the issue of power load shedding in compulsion.
He said that zamindars should be informed about what ever decided in the meeting of Chief Minister with Prime Minister in Islamabad.
He demanded of the government to provide electricity for eight hours until and unless the agricultural tube wells are solarized.
Later, the session of provincial assembly was adjourned till aa:00 AM on May 17, 2024.

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