India involved in terrorism in Balochistan, Zia Langove tells German Consul General

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Minister for Home and Tribal Affairs, Mir Ziaullah Langove has categorically stated that our enemy country, India is involved in terrorism in Balochistan for it (India) is also making funding for this purpose.
However, our security forces are fighting war for eliminating terrorism in the province. He said that our enemies are hatching conspiracies against Gwadar and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), however, they would not succeed in their designs all.
The Provincial Minister for Home and Tribal Affairs was speaking to the German Consul General based in Karachi, Dr. Rudiger Lotz who called on him here on Tuesday.
The Honorary Consul General of Germany in Quetta, Murad Baloch, Additional Secretaries and Deputy Commissioner Kalat, Bilal Shabbir were also present in the meeting.
During the meeting of meeting, the current situation of law and order was discussed.
The German envoy greeted Mir Ziaullah Langove on assuming the office of Provincial Minister for Home.
The Minister Home on the occasion pointed out that terrorism is occurring in Balochistan from the neighbouring countries.
He said that India is not digesting the development and prosperity of Pakistan.
He also referred to the steps being taken by the incumbent government for improving law and order, health and education sectors in Balochistan.
He said that the coalition government is paying special attention on development of health and education sectors besides improving law and order situation in the province.
The German Consul General on the occasion praised hospitality of the province saying that he has also visited the province earlier.
He said that the hospitality of Balochistan is an exemplary. He gets utmost pleasure while visiting the province, the German envoy added.
He said that the German government would continue cooperation for improving health and education in Balochistan.


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