Dual Jobs Scandal: Govt. Employee Draws Double Salaries Illegally.

BY: M. Ilyas

ISLAMABAD- Pakistan’s economic troubles are no secret, as the government repeatedly turns to the IMF, World Bank, and friendly nations like Saudi Arabia and China for financial aid. Despite these efforts, the state seems reluctant to address rampant corruption within its own ranks. A glaring example of this is the case of Miss Hajra Sarwar, a government employee who has been simultaneously holding dual jobs in two federal departments for several years. Miss Hajra Sarwar has been employed both as a female coach with the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and as a deputy director with the Afghan Commissionerate Peshawar, under the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON). These positions were not obtained through legal means such as deputation or any other lawful process, but rather through what appears to be sheer fraud. The scandal came to light recently, revealing that Hajra Sarwar has been exploiting the public treasury by drawing salaries from both positions. In response to the scandal, Hajra has accused her superiors of sexual harassment, a move perceived by many as an attempt to divert attention from her own wrongdoing and avoid a departmental inquiry. Despite the serious nature of these allegations, neither department head has taken action. Tania Malik, head of the women’s wing at the PCB, has avoided making any official statement on the matter. Similarly, Chief Commissioner of Afghan Refugees Pakistan, Muhammad Abbas Khan, who is well-versed in governmental rules as an OMG officer, has not taken any steps against Hajra despite being aware of her dual employment. According to Hajra, she holds leverage over Abbas Khan, knowing many of his weaknesses, which prevents him from acting. This situation highlights the broader issue of corruption and inefficiency within Pakistan’s government. While educated youth, both men and women, struggle to find employment despite holding degrees, individuals like Hajra Sarwar exploit the system and avoid consequences. The disparity is driving many to desperation, with some even resorting to suicide due to their hopeless circumstances. This case poses a significant test for Federal Minister of SAFRON, Amir Maqam, and Federal Minister of Interior, Mohsin Naqvi. It calls for immediate action to recover the salaries drawn by Hajra Sarwar over the past six years and to terminate her illegal employment. Addressing such corruption is crucial for Pakistan as it seeks to stabilize its economy and ensure fair opportunities for all its citizens.

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