Awakening at Dawn: A Journey of Spiritual Renewal and Gratitude

by Muhammad Mohsin Iqbal
In the quiet embrace of the dawn, when the world still slumbers, there lies a sacred moment that beckons the faithful to their Creator. For too long, I had been deaf to this call, ensnared by excuses and neglect. But today, with a heart brimming with gratitude, I stand before you to share a journey of awakening, a testament to the boundless mercy of Allah.
This morning’s state is beyond words, but I attempt to describe it so that, as a sinner, I may seek the pleasure of Almighty Allah through its expression. By Allah’s grace, I diligently observe the five daily prayers and strive to attend all congregational prayers at the mosque, except for Fajr.
Previously, I used to perform Fajr prayer at home, not in the mosque. My conjecture before today was that if I was to leave the house to pray Fajr in the mosque, perhaps my angel (son), Muhammad Jalal Iqbal, who has been sleeping with me since childhood, would wake up. He sleeps in the room where I pray, and upon seeing me praying, Jalal goes back to sleep. This was the excuse that prevented me from going to the mosque for prayer because I knew that if I left at Fajr, he would wake up, and then he wouldn’t be able to sleep. So, this cycle had been going on for a long time.
Last week, I met a luminous soul Imtiaz Ahmed Ghani sb whose influence brought about profound changes in my daily life. His words resonated with truth, his demeanor a reflection of piety. I met him at Masjid Taqwa in Islamabad. He had come with the Tablighi Jamaat from Lahore. I was informed by my close and dear friend Saeed Maitla sb that a venerable person wanted to meet me. He would speak after the Asr prayer at Taqwa Mosque Islamabad. So, I offered the prayer and met the venerable person, Imtiaz Ghani sb.
The personality of Imtiaz Ahmed Ghani sb was quite captivating, and his speech was impactful. In his speech, actions, and appearance, he embodied a man of faith. He expressed his wish to meet with me in my office the following day.
Consequently, he visited my office on Thursday. We had a detailed discussion in which there was an exchange of views on religious and academic matters. After the Dhuhr prayer at the Parliament Mosque, he gave a brief but very effective speech. On this occasion, a request was made to him to play his role in achieving the pleasure and proximity of Allah by giving a detailed speech before Friday prayer to warm the hearts of the people. He graciously accepted the invitation and warmed the hearts with their thoughts, knowledge and ideas.
Subsequently, I established contact with him via phone. On one occasion, I received a voice message from Imtiaz Sb. He shared that he had mentioned my name during his religious gatherings and had offered special prayers for me and my children. He prayed to Almighty Allah for me to begin performing the Fajr prayer at the mosque and for ease in continuing this practice.
Hearing his message, I was enveloped by a wave of pleasure. As dawn broke, I ventured into the darkness, greeted only by the whispers of nature and the gentle rustle of leaves. The birds on the trees were praising the glory of Allah. The cool breeze had enchanted me. What a beautiful and pleasant scene it was; for a long time, I had been deprived of it.
When I reached the mosque, I saw mostly Namazis whose foreheads were shining with the light of faith. Some expressed positivity and pleasant change upon seeing my presence in the Fajr prayer. During the prayer, my eyes were moist with regret; why had I deprived myself of this happiness for so long, and yet I was happy because my Almighty Allah had granted me the opportunity to prostrate before Him in His house. Perhaps I had never experienced such peace and contentment in life as I did today. My condition was like that of a student who achieves first position in an exam.
When I reached home after prayer, Jalal was waiting for me at the door. I explained to him that I had gone to pray in the mosque. After a few moments he fell asleep. I express my gratitude to Almighty Allah and then to Mr. Imtiaz Ghani, whose prayers, I trust, have been accepted by Allah. I beseech Almighty Allah for perseverance in this practice and for His pleasure with those who have helped me become one who thwarts Satan in the early morning by bowing down before Almighty Allah. Today it has been proven that Allah does not reject prayers made with sincerity, truth, and pure intentions.

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