Azma Bokhari said, “Inflation in Punjab has decreased from 37% to 17% and will decrease further soon

Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Punjab Azma Bokhari said, “Inflation in Punjab has decreased from 37% to 17% and will decrease further soon. In two months, a 20 kg bag of flour in Punjab has become cheaper by Rs. 1000, the price of bread will further decrease from Rs. 16. It was a challenge for the Punjab government to control inflation during the month of Ramadan and efforts have been made to control it through the Ramadan Nigheban package. Today I am happy to say that the Punjab government has been able to control inflation. The common man’s problem is not the value of the dollar or GDP, but cheap bread. I am an eye witness that the Chief Minister of Punjab has worked day and night to control inflation. Maryam Nawaz has undertaken landmark development works in Punjab during nine weeks of her government. After taking oath, Maryam Nawaz took a briefing on the prices of food items because she knows the pain of the people. The common man’s problem is how much the prices of cheap vegetables have decreased, whether inflation is decreasing or increasing? Apart from Shahbaz Sharif, no Chief Minister has ever thought that bread should be provided at a subsidized price. Many mafias rose up that they will not let bread become cheap. Chicken meat decreased by 230 rupees per kg, onion was 350 rupees per kg, now it is available for 120 rupees. Tomatoes are available at Rs.50 and potatoes are cheaper by Rs.40. When Maryam Nawaz took an oath, a bag of flour was worth 2800 rupees, now that bag is available for 1800 rupees. The rate of inflation in Punjab has decreased from thirty-six percent to seventeen percent. There should be competition to give relief to the people in all the provinces. We will further reduce the price of flour. Floor at rupees thirty-five was available during the Nawaz Sharif’s tenure, now Nawaz Sharif’s daughter is using all kinds of resources to further reduce the price of flour. We are also creating an authority that will work 24/7 to keep inflation under control. After seven years, a political party that calls itself the youth party is launching the laptop scheme, but it was shut down the scheme to the displeasure of Shahbaz Sharif. Field hospital was a project of PML-N which is promoted by Maryam Nawaz. Earlier, the KPK used to taunt us with the Barrier bus but they built it themselves. First we launch Air Ambulance then KPK also started it. In Punjab, bread is available for sixteen rupees, which will become further cheaper in the coming days. The KPK government asked to make the bread Rs. 15 but I challenge that bread is not available anywhere in KPK at this price. Punjab government has started thirty three projects like scholarships and laptops in a short period of time. Government projects should not be blocked by any organization. We are not interfering in anyone’s work, so others should not interfere in our work as well. Punjab Chief Minister is very sensitive about the matters relating to children. We want to empower girls. We are being told that giving bikes to girls will make boys to tease them. If the government is taking responsibility then other institutions will also have to take responsibility. The federal and Punjab government have made footprints in a short span of time and next year the inflation will be decrease to 11 percent. Investments are coming to Pakistan from all over the world.”
Answering the questions, she said that the government is standing by its promise of solar panels and we will give free solar to the users of hundred units. A woman has been appointed in GC University and the woman Vice Chancellor will take the institution forward. PASCO is buying wheat, the target of PASCO has also been increased by the Chief Minister. We did not bring the wheat that was brought from outside, ask those who brought wheat. The PTI government appointed an advisor who made electricity out of petrol and cause great loss to the national exchequer, which the exchequer is still facing in the form of circular debt. She said that load shedding should be done in the area where electricity is stolen. Gandapur openly admits that we steal electricity, we will see what these people are doing to the country. Don’t give political colour to farmers protest in Punjab. Let me tell you that if the prices of bread increase then strict action will be taken on it. If the people of Punjab suffer, Maryam Nawaz will suffer. We will see why the victims of Mandi Bahauuddin did not get help. Now there is a wave of terrorism and it is a conspiracy to ruin the country. She said that the five-member bench has to decide the specific seats and if the seats remain vacant, these seats will not be given to PTI alias Sunni Ittehad Council. There will also be a reduction in bakery products which will be notified soon. A new committee will be formed to decide giving plots to the journalists. The applications which have been submitted earlier, additional applications will also be accepted in this regard. May 9 incident has occurred happened in front of the world. May 9 incident was a conspiracy against the country. The judiciary has to decide about the punishment soon and if decision is given according to justice then it would be welcoming.

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