Army to Give Clean Chit to PTI if…

By Qamar Bashir

Former Press Secretary to the President
Former Press Minister to the Embassy of Pakistan to France
Former MD, SRBC

Major General Ahmed Sharif of the ISPR delivered a passionate press conference centered around the 9th May incident, unequivocally holding the judiciary responsible for its failure to administer exemplary punishment to the masterminds, planners, abettors, and facilitators. He emphasized that PTI could only receive a clean chit if it sincerely sought forgiveness, condemned the 9th May inferno, vowed never to repeat such an egregious episode, and pledged unwavering commitment to the nation’s development and progress. This demand resonates deeply with the sentiments and aspirations of the entire nation.

The army, as the cornerstone of our nation, plays an indispensable role in safeguarding Pakistan from internal and external threats. Therefore, any attempt to tarnish its reputation is not merely an attack on an institution but an assault on the very essence of our national identity. Such actions cannot be tolerated as they undermine the unity and strength of our country.

He was absolutely correct in emphasizing the disparity between the dispensation of justice by the army, which is known for its speed, transparency, and fairness, and the civilian justice system, which is often plagued by inefficiencies, systemic weaknesses, and a lack of competency. Had our civilian judicial system been as efficient as that of the army, or even close to it, the perpetrators of violence and destruction at Jinnah House would have already faced exemplary punishment, serving as a deterrent to others.

In citing examples, he highlighted the army’s operation under an automatic, transparent, and stringent accountability system. He pointed out that all individuals found complicit or failing in their duties during the 9th May incident have undergone rigorous scrutiny. Specifically, he mentioned the cases of Major General Bilal, Corp Commander Mangla, and former ISI chief General Faiz, who faced strict disciplinary measures by the army due to their alleged involvement, which contravened army discipline and conduct.

He was also on point when he criticized the demand for the formation of a judicial commission on the 9th May inferno. He rightly pointed out that commissions are typically established to investigate incidents where there is ambiguity and lack of clarity. However, in the case of the 9th May incident, the planners, instigators, and perpetrators are all known, rendering an inquiry unnecessary. He suggested that an inquiry commission should instead be convened for incidents such as the 2014 Dharna, the attack on the parliament, the assault on the PTV headquarters, and the siege of the Prime Minister’s House to uncover the motives and conspiracies against the sitting government.

The ISPR chief right asserted that while the army respects all political parties and engages with them for the nation’s progress and prosperity within the bounds of the law and constitution, it will not engage with those who have desecrated the resting places of the Shuhadas, incited young minds against the state and the army, attacked army installations, threatened the army, instigated supporters to attack army vehicles, or propagated campaigns to defame the army and drive a wedge between the people and the armed forces. However, he did not specify the constitutional or legal provisions, perhaps due to time constraints, which empower the army to liaise with political parties.

His suggestion to fully enforce existing laws and regulations against those who have been spewing venom against the state, the army, and friendly countries was right on the mark and in accordance with Article 19 of the constitution. All law enforcement agencies, departments, and institutions should fully invoke the relevant existing laws to bring to justice all those who are doing extreme disservice to the country. Additionally, parliament should review all existing laws, amend them, or enact new laws to punish those who undermine our country and defame our armed forces without any justification. Our armed forces make supreme sacrifices day in and day out to defend the motherland from internal and external challenges, and it is our duty to protect their honor and integrity.

He acted with great prudence when he refrained from commenting on the letters addressed by the six judges to the Supreme Judicial Council, complaining about blatant and overbearing interference by intelligence agencies, stating that the matter is sub judice. However, he was right in emphasizing that any serious allegations must be supported with incontrovertible facts and evidence. Without such evidence, such allegations should be regarded as part of a campaign against the army and its institutions.

He pointed out that while PTI may be considered the most popular party, the data, evidence, and surveys reveal that only 7.5% of the total population voted for PTI in the Feb-8 elections. Additionally, credible surveys indicate that 74% of the people of Pakistan consider the army as the most credible and trusted institution in the country. He emphasized that the Feb-8 elections do not necessarily imply endorsement or support for the May-9 incident, and those who did not vote for PTI did so due to concerns about PTI’s perceived venomous and toxic politics.

He rightfully dismissed allegations against the army’s involvement in alleged rigging in the Feb-2024 elections, viewing them as part of a propaganda smear campaign against the army. He called for evidence from those blaming the army for rigging, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in such matters. He also commended the army for its vigilance and professionalism, which ensured the conduct of secure, safe, and peaceful elections nationwide.

He defended the army’s involvement in commercial ventures, such as large-scale manufacturing, banks, mills, real estate business, construction, and transportation, arguing that this practice is not unique to Pakistan and is common in many other countries. He clarified that not a single penny of the exchequer was used in establishing these institutions. Additionally, he highlighted that these institutions contribute significantly to the government’s revenue, providing around Rs. 300 billion annually in taxes and levies, while also delivering exemplary services to the people of Pakistan in their respective domains.

The timing of the press conference was significant, given ongoing judicial proceedings. The Supreme Court is hearing the Faizabad Dharna case and has rejected the Dharna Commission’s report. Another Supreme Court bench has suspended the Election Commission and Peshawar High Court’s decision, which deprived PTI of special seats for women and minorities, impacting the coalition government’s votes in parliament and its ability to make constitutional amendments. This ruling has also given hope to PTI for regaining their status as a political party elections symbol and securing the release of their leader. The entire judiciary is rising against interference by intelligence agencies and the executive in cases with significant political implications.

This press conference also posed a significant question: What happens if, following due judicial process, the Supreme Court clears the former chairman of PTI and its leaders, who have been imprisoned for a year, allowing PTI to resume functioning as a regular political party? How does this affect the army’s demand that PTI must seek forgiveness to be spared?

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