The role of DANESH in children’s protection



I am currently busy with DANESH organization as an Case worker where we provide awareness in communities and educational institutions. This organization has been running various projects since last twenty -eight we are working on child protection, I thought of writing something today regarding the relevant topic. Children are our future, and it is our responsibility to protect and nurture them.
Indeed, prioritizing the protection, health, safety, and education of children is crucial. Ensuring their well-being by securing our homes, teaching them safety guidelines, and not neglecting their educational and intellectual development are essential. Additionally, children’s social, religious, and moral upbringing should not be overlooked. They should be taught with love and respect, fostering their intelligence and abilities to fulfill their dreams.
The foundation of every society depends on the protection and development of children. The health, education, and upbringing of children are vital in every aspect of life. A stable society relies on children, who need various measures and initiatives to be made resilient and healthy.

The first and foremost step is to provide for the health of children. A child’s health ensures the future of society. A strong and healthy child guarantees success in every aspect of life. Therefore, governmental and non-governmental organizations should focus on providing healthcare facilities, which are essential for children’s daily lives. Taking care of children’s health ensures their strength, development, and intelligence, positively impacting their daily lives and education.

The second important step is to provide education for children. Education plays a vital role in children’s intellectual, spiritual, and social development. Providing a positive, loving environment where children can learn comfortably is crucial. Listen to children’s opinions and make them feel valued. Pay attention to their words and give them direct answers to their questions. Make them feel that you want to help them and that you are their friend. If children receive a good education, they become beneficial for themselves and their society in the future. Therefore, we should pay full attention to children’s education and provide them with academic guidance so they can make full use of their capabilities.

For the protection of children, environmental, physical, and protection measures should be provided. They should be taught about duties and rights so they can live in peace and protect. Without protection, children become defenseless against threats and dangers, hindering their development.

The third and significant step is to provide spiritual upbringing for children. Children’s primary upbringing shapes their personalities and makes them emotionally strong and lively. A spiritually inclined child can better solve their social and moral problems. Therefore, parents and social organizations should also focus on the spiritual upbringing of children and provide them with moral education. Similarly, provide children with various opportunities so they can face new challenges and succeed. When they succeed, their self-confidence increases. appreciate their successes and pave the way for their progress, whether small or large. Worrying diminishes children’s confidence.

Protecting and nurturing children is a social responsibility. Their upbringing, education, and health provision are our responsibilities. Therefore, we should take various measures for the protection and play of children so that we can lay the foundation for a better future. The role of DANESH organization is also to provide psycho-social support, legal support, and medical support to affected children, as they will be the ones to carry the torch forward, bringing light to the future.

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