Rights of labourers working in industrial zone to be protected, assures Ali Hasan Zehri

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Advisor to Chief Minister for Industries, Mir Ali Hasan Zehri has categorically stated that the rights of labourers working in industrial zone of the province would be protected.
He asserted that those exploiting the labourers would have to face the music. Stern legal action would be taken against usurping rights of the labourers.
This and similar views were expressed by the Advisor Industries in a message issued on the occasion of World Labour Day observed on Wednesday.
In his message, Ali Hasan Zehri paid tributes to the labourers of Chicago saying that their sacrifices would be remembered for centuries.
He said that the provincial government would protect the rights of labourers at every cost.
In this regard, necessary amendments would be made in the laws for protection of their rights.
Mir Ali Hasan Zehri said that at least 1,000 children of labourers would acquire higher education from prestigious educational institutions of the country, as per the vision of Chief Minister, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti.
He said that the economy of country runs because of labourers, therefore, they would be provided every facilities.
In addition to this, necessary steps would be taken for establishing technical and vocational training institutions, he added.

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