Stern action being taken against encroachments established at drainage nullahs in Quetta: DC

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Deputy Commissioner Quetta, Lt. (Retd) Saad bin Asad has stated that stern action is being taken against the encroachments established on drainage nullahs located in different parts of Quetta city.
He said that the rain water is passing through the roads and streets besides affecting the houses just because of the encroachments established and occupations made on the nullahs in city.
The Deputy Commissioner was supervising the crackdown against encroachments established in the drainage nullahs in Pashtoonabad here the other day.
The Deputy Commissioner led the local administration and Metropolitan Corporation’s team against the encroachments.
During the crackdown, several houses and shops were demolished, which built on the drainage nullah.
The drainage nullah was closed due to the encroachments there.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner said that the general public is facing problems due to encroachments established on the drainage nullahs.
In view of the hardships of people, the district administration decided to take action against the encroachments on nullahs, he maintained.
He said that the system of sanitation and draining would be improved in Quetta city.

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