Rotary International District 3271,Organized 3-day HOPECON Conference.

Karachi (Staff Reporter): Rotary International District 3271 is organizing a 3-day HOPECON conference 2024 at a local hotel from April 26th, which will be attended by a large number of Rotarians from around the world. Renowned artists such as Abrar-ul-Haq, Uzmi, Barkat Ali, Mayer Hasan, Sahar Gul Khan, and others will also perform at the conference. Additionally, Rotarians from Sindh and Balochistan, as well as social activists, will be awarded for their outstanding social services by District Governor Muhammad Hanif Khan. The conference will also feature panel discussions and other activities, from which participants can benefit.
“Additionally, special awards will be given to Rotarians from Sindh and Balochistan, as well as other social activists, for their outstanding social services. District Governor Muhammad Hanif Khan of Rotary International District 3271 will present these awards. Furthermore, participants will also benefit from various panel discussions during the conference. Deputy Governor Sheikh Imtiaz Hussain of Rotary International District 3271 is serving as the Chairman of the Award Committee for the 3-day HOPECON conference 2024.
Deputy Governor Shaikh Imtiaz Hussain of Rotary International District 3271 is serving as the Chairman of the Award Committee for the 3-day HOPECON conference 2024.”

On this occasion, Deputy Governor and Chairman of the Award Committee Sheikh Imtiaz Hussain of Rotary International District 3271 said that Rotary International organizes a conference every year to acknowledge the services of social workers who have provided outstanding social services throughout the year. He said that Rotarians from all over the world participate in the conference, which helps launch new social and welfare projects to provide basic amenities to the people of underdeveloped and rural areas. He added that Rotary International is the oldest and largest social organization in the world, with millions of Rotarians providing social services in every corner of the globe, which is commendable.”

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