Four More Kidnapped from Shikarpur

By Adeel Ahmed Dall Shikarpur

SHIKARPUR: The law and order condition of district Shikarpur could not be improved which caused four more Kidnapped from Shikarpur District in one day.
According to reports reached here that four villagers were Kidnapped in two separate incidents of kidnapping occured in Lakhi Taluka near Chak on Wednesday.
As per initial reports, three villagers belonging to Kursi Jatoi community identified as Sanwan Jatoi, Rano aka Abdul Samad Jatoi and Moula Bux Jatoi were Kidnapped by some group of armed men from Aandlani Bridge near to Chak and took them away on Black Vigo Vehicle towards katcha area of Chak in the jurisdiction of Bachal Bhayo police station.
Such kind of information was shared to area police and the police with the help of Jatoi community villagers reached at the place of incident.
Similarly other incident of kidnapping at occured in same area and one Abdul Raheem Mahar was Kidnapped. While other his guard identified as Hidayatullah Mahar was saved by the villagers by managing resistance with the kidnappers and freed him from the clutches of the kidnappers in injured condition.
While receiving the information of four Kidnapped, SSP Shikarpur Irfan Ali Samo rushed to Police Station Bachal Bhayo accompanied with big police party and directed the area influentials for safe recovery of four Kidnapped persons within 24 hours without fail.
Otherwise Police will take severe action against them.
Meanwhile, police had started their search for safe release of kidnapped persons.

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