CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif Chairs Special Meeting on Law & Order in Punjab

Lahore,: Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif presided over a special meeting in Murree to comprehensively review law & order situation in the province.
IG police gave a detailed briefing on overall law & order situation across the province. It was principally decided in the meeting to launch a Special Unit, besides conducting IT training of the staff to eliminate organized and cyber crimes in the province. Various proposals and recommendations were put forth to undertake concrete steps to safeguard life and property of masses.
An approval was also accorded to enforce a Special Audit System in order to ascertain corruption and unprofessional attitude in police. The police officers and officials found involved in conniving with the corrupt mafias and criminals will undergo a Special Court Martial. In case of asking for bribe, a complaint can be registered via CM’s Special Dashboard.
A proposal to establish Border Security Force to check smuggling was also reviewed in the meeting. It was in principle decided to set up a Functional Specialized Police Force to effectively counter every crime. An approval was granted to vigorously carry out a campaign for the complete eradication of narcotics. It was decided to make a legislation for awarding death penalty to those found involved in committing molestation of women and children.
Madam Chief Minister directed to undertake strict measures to root out culture of illegal weapon in Punjab and it was decided to make amendments in the relevant laws in this regard. Madam Chief Minister also directed to undertake additional foolproof measures for the permanent elimination of kite-flying and usage of metal wire. She underscored,” Crime can be reduced by ensuring stern punishment to the culprits.” Madam Chief Minister added,”It is a fundamental responsibility of the Punjab government to protect every citizen of Punjab. We would provide latest arms and ammunition, state of the art equipment, night vision technology and drones.” Madam Chief Minister directed to launch an effective crackdown for the permanent eradication of terrorism, smuggling and criminal gangs. She said,”There is a dire need to streamline the prosecution and investigation system as well.”
Senior Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Chief Secretary, Secretary Home, IG Police, Additional IGP, Commissioner, CCPO,RPO and other officers were also attended the meeting.

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