First meeting of Reforms Committee held with Chief Minister in chair:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Government of Balochistan has decided to introduce the artificial intelligence (AI) technology for accountability of the ghost and absentee employees in the province.
This was decided in the first meeting of Reforms Committee held with Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti in the chair at the CM’s secretariat on Monday.
The meeting made certain important decisions besides taking result-oriented measures and formulating timeframe for the reforms.
The meeting decided to hire services of experts from the private sector for making CMDU functional.
The Chief Minister on the occasion stressed that the experts included in the Reforms Committee to prepare proposals for brining improvement in their related sectors.
He also directed the Information Technology department to prepare the pilot project.
He announced that the AI system would be enforced all over the province in phases. However, the AI technology should be commenced from Bolan Medical Complex and Sandeman Provincial Headquarter Hospitals and Balochistan University for improving governance there, he directed further.
Speaking on the occasion, Mir Sarfraz Bugti regretfully pointed out that the general public are facing hardships due to weaknesses in the governance.
In addition to this, there is trust lacking between the public and government departments, he added making pledge to restore the trust. He said that we want to set clear direction for improvement in governance. He said that we would give vision to the reforms committee, now it is up to it (committee) to set new direction.
He said that corruption is the biggest hurdle in way of good governance. When a youngster would purchase job in millions of rupees then how his trust would remain maintained on the system, he said.
The Chief Minister said that we want to provide livelihood to some 30,000 youth annually abroad by making them skilled in different sectors.
Referring the meeting of reforms committee, he said that the results of the decisions made in today’s meeting would start coming by one decade.
He on the occasion stressed the need to overcome the unnecessary expenditures saying that if we didn’t overcome the pension bill and unnecessary expenditures, then we would not have resources for the basic facilities after 10 years.

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