Gift of Eid clothes were distributed among the children of different schools of Shikarpur

from Shikarpur

Gift of Eid clothes were distributed among the children of different schools of Shikarpur.
CEO Indus Cottage libraries Net work Pakistan( ICLN )visited the schools of Shikarpur along with other social and intellectual personalities of the city.

Gifts of Eid clothes were distributed among students in different schools of Shikarpur, Zarkhail and Sultankot.
CEO of Indus Cottage Libraries Network Pakistan, Agha Noor Muhammad Pathan along with Chairman of Shikarpur Social and Literary Forum, syed Naseem Bukhari, Mr parwaiz Abro CEO of famous NGO CARD and Secretary of Sindhi Adabi Sangat branch, Shikarpur, Dr. Aamir Abbas Soomro, Babar Ali Farooqui. And the famous writer Anwar Ali Soomro paid tribute to the students and teachers who showed interest in reading books in the libraries established in the schools of Shikarpur and thanked them for their cooperation in the establishment of libraries. Dr. Amir Abbas soomro said said that knowledge is the third eye of a person that takes him from floor to the throne. CEO “CARD” Parvez Abro said that knowledge and love of books make human character great.
Well-known columnist Naseem Bukhari said that school libraries play an important role in the intellectual development of children and teachers.
Agha Noor Muhammed CEO ICLN PAKISTAN who especially came from Islamabad said that There is a serous need to promote book reading culture in our society because some people are promoting the culture of fighting and friction and we need reading books in our schools to promote the culture of reading books through the libraries to make them knowledgeable and civilized . He said ICLN has established libraries in 30 schools of the district Shikarpur by the grace of Allah and with the cooperation of our lovely friends

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