A delegation from Malaysia led by Chairman Implementation Minority Rights Forum (IMRF) Samuel Pyara

Lahore  …A delegation from Malaysia led by Chairman Implementation Minority Rights Forum (IMRF) Samuel Pyara and Advisor (IMRF) Emmanuel Pervez met Governor Punjab Muhammad Balighur Rehman at Governor House Lahore.

Speaking on this occasion, Punjab Governor Muhammad Balighur Rehman said that the services of the Christian community for the development of the country since the establishment of Pakistan are praise worthy . He said that minorities enjoy equal rights and religious freedom in Pakistan. Governor Punjab said that quotas have been allocated for minorities in government jobs, while minorities have also been given representation in parliament. Governor Punjab said that the Christian community had played a great role in the struggle for the formation of Pakistan and even today it is actively contributing to the development and prosperity of the country.

Chairman Implementation Minority Rights Forum (IMRF) Samuel Pyara said that the constitution of Pakistan is the best constitution in the world regarding the protection of the rights of minorities. He said that all the minorities living in Pakistan have equal rights and religious freedom. He said that we are working on interfaith harmony in the society. The delegation comprised Professor Imtiaz Inayat, Ong Kah Young Alvin, Jason Philip, Derwin Philip and Sunita Angelique Phillips.


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