*Swat Police finalise security plan for Eid holidays*

Haroon Siraj

SWAT:- Swat police have finalised a comprehensive plan to ensure foolproof security in Swat valley during Eidul-Fitr holidays. Tourist Facilitation Centers have been established in Lower and Upper Swat for tourists, police squads have also been deployed, all officers and personnel’s holidays have been cancelled.

According to the security plan, policemen will safeguard Eid congregations, mosques, markets and tourist spots.

DPO Swat Dr Zahidullah Khan has devised an effective security plan for Eid holidays, under which elite police commandos will also be available for assistance of the police.

According to DPO Swat Dr Zahidullah Khan, in view of the large number of tourists expected to arrive in upper Swat on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, Tourist Facilitation Centers have been set up for the convenience of tourists in Malam Jabba, Kalam, Mahodhand and Gabin Jabba. Heavy police force has been deployed to ensure that Eid passes peacefully and that no untoward incident occurs.

Police have been assigned to patrol various areas to prevent anti-social activities during Eid holidays. DPO appealed to the public to cooperate with the police by avoiding aerial firing and one-wheeling on the Chand raat.

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