CM Maryam Nawaz’s Message on Al-Quds Day

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz said “She salutes the unflinching resolve and unwavering determination of the Palestinians on the Al-Quds Day. The sacrifices of our Palestinian brethren for laying down their precious lives for the sake of freedom will not go waste.” CM in her message on the Al-Quds Day stated that the Israeli oppression and tyranny will not weaken the Palestinians fight for their liberation adding that the Zionists state’s brutalities on our Palestinian brothers and sisters is highly condemnable. The first Qibla is a sacred place for all the Muslims across the globe. Maryam Nawaz called upon the international community to immediately cease the ongoing brutalities and barbarity committed by Israel adding that the international community should play a proactive role for getting the UN Security Council resolutions and agreements implemented in their true spirit. CM outlined that peace would remain an elusive dream in the world unless the Palestinian and Kashmir issues are not amicably resolved.

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