CM Balochistan pays rich tributes to Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on 45th death anniversary

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has paid rich tributes to the founder of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on his 45th death anniversary and the constitution of Pakistan and it’s invincible defense is an outcome of his wavering vision and leadership.
In a statement issued here on Wednesday marking death anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the Chief Minister said that he (ZAB) laid foundation of real democracy in the parliamentary system based on the right of franchise.
Shaheed ZAB brought out the politics from drawing room to the public and made all decisions of the country as per the aspirations of masses, the Chief Minister said adding that he (ZAB) made struggle for the public service in real terms and thus changed the country’s politics for ever.
The founder of PPP gave political consciousness to the Pakistani people, that’s why party’s routes were strengthened among them.
The Chief Minister said that the leaders of party created revolution of public consciousness and national development and especially ZAB inspired the hearts and spirit of Pakistanis.
Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti said that it has been the hallmark of ZAB’s politics to seek guidance from the masses for rule of law and resolving the issues faced by their problems.
The political ideology of ZAB was moved forward by his daughter Shaheed Rani Benazir Bhutto. And then after her martyrdom, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is determined to move forward the mission of his grandfather, Mir Sarfraz Bugti added.
The Chief Minister said that life and vision of Shaheed Bhutto was an important step towards the democratic, progressive and prosperous Pakistan.
He stressed that we should devote ourselves for his vision as well as concepts of democracy and social justice.
He said that today we need to remember message of Shaheed ZAB and his affection for the Pakistani people.
In addition to this, we also need to adopt the principles of ZAB politically, democratically and socially, adding he stressed.

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