The Judiciary’s independence is vital for the country. Haleem Adil Sheikh

Karachi Haleem Adil Sheikh, the President of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Sindh and former opposition leader in Sindh, emphasized the indispensability of judicial independence for the nation’s advancement. Stressing the significance of upholding the rule of law and judicial freedom, he called for a full court to hear the judges’ case, affirming its exceptional nature.

Haleem Adil Heikh asserted that without judicial independence the country cannot progress, and our efforts are being made for the implementation of the rule of law He emphasized the necessity of lawyers fulfilling their role for freedom of judiciary, as well as the judiciary’s responsibility to preserve the law and the constitution.

He criticized the current Assembly members, alleging their illegitimacy, and vowed to continue the struggle until the stolen mandate is reclaimed. Attributing the deteriorating peace and security situation in Sindh to the governance of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), he added.

Haleem Adil Sheikh lamented the worsening security situation in Sindh under what he termed ‘bandit rulers’, highlighting the surge in street crimes in Karachi. He noted the precarious safety of citizens during the holy month, with over nine citizen murdered during robberies in Karachi.

Haleem Adil Sheikh underscored the global recognition of Pakistan’s transformation into a banana republic following the recent developments in the judicial realm, where judges are also seeking justice.

Haleem Adil Sheikh has announced a rally in Karachi on April 28th, originally scheduled for April 21st but rescheduled. The gathering is planned to be held at outside the Bagh-e-Jinnah, an application seeking permission for the event has been submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of East Karachi.

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