Bringing Improvements And Reforms In The Health Sector Is  Our Foremost Priority: Cm Maryam Nawaz

Lahore,  : Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz visited Shamke Bhattian Basic Health Unit upgradation pilot project. The Shamke Bhattian BHU upgradation pilot project has been completed in 8 days. CM inspected every section of BHU after undergoing upgradation. Maryam Nawaz reviewed front desk, waiting room, wards, nursing counter, doctor’s office and store. CM was informed about the patient’s on-line  registration system. She communication with the doctors, staff members, patients and inquired about the latest situation. She also inspected the residences located at the rear side of the hospital and directed to upgrade the dilapidated residences. CM underscored, “Bringing improvements and reforms in the health sector is  our foremost priority. Availability of doctors and staff should be ensured in every hospital.”
Provincial Minister for  Primary & Secondary Healthcare Khawaja Imran Nazir, Former Senator Parvez Rasheed, MPA Sania Ashiq, Chief Secretary, Secretaries of Information, C&W and other officials were also present on the occasion.

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