Old Rivalry claimed Two more precious Lives

SHIKARPUR: Two more precious lives have been lost in bloody game of Tribal Clashes in two separate incidents of firing occurred in Jahan police station and Rustam Police Station.
After some interval, the ongoing tribal Clash between Bhayo and Marfani Communities broke out which resulted one person of Marfani was killed in the jurisdiction of Jahanwah police station near Jagan on Wednesday.
According to initial reports, some group of armed men attacked at village Imam Bux Drifhour with automatic weapons, as a result of firing, one Balach Khan Marfani of 45 was gunned down in old Bhayo and Marfani tribal Clash.
The relatives of deceased person Balach Marfani allegedly said that their beloved was gunned down by their enemy groups men belonging to Bhayo community.
Jahanwah police reached to the place of firing and took the dead body of deceased Balach Khan Marfani in their custody and shifted to RHC Sultankot for Medico Legal formalities.
Further police investigation into the matter is in process, area police added.
Similarly in other incident of firing, one more youngster was killed in Shar and Badani tribal Clash on Tuesday night.
The killed person was identified as Hafiz Mehrullah Shar who was coming back after praying of Nimaz-e-Taraveeh at his village was gunned down by his enemy groups men belonging to Badani community, parents allegedly said.
No FIR was registered till late evening.

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