Minor Boy was kidnapped from city Shikarpur

By. Adeel Ahmed Dall Shikarpur

SHIKARPUR: The Law and order situation of District Shikarpur could not be improved as One more minor boy of 08 resident of Alif Shah Shaheed area situated in the limit of Lakhi-Gate Police Station here was kidnapped when his father received a ransom call from kidnappers on Sunday evening.
According to reports reached here that one minor boy named Mehrban Bhatti of 8 son of Abdul Khaliq Bhatti went missing on last Friday when he went to purchase his candies and did not returned to home.
So parents had informed the area police station of Lakhi-Gate about missing of their beloved son, but no any positive response was given.
Today the father Abdul Khaliq Bhatti received a ransom call from the kidnappers demanding for 5 million ransom within two days with the threat in failure they would kill their innocent minor son and pay earliest if if they wanted to see their beloved alive.
Soonafter receiving the ransom call, the parents and citizens rushed to concerned Lakhi-Gate Police Station of city Shikarpur and protested for safe recovery of their beloved.
It may be recalled that the law and order situation of District Shikarpur is going to be worst day by day which resulted record increase in heinous offences including Murders, kidnapping for ransom, dacoities, road robberies, street crimes etc and now the outlaws started to kidnap the innocent people from city area without any fear of Police and Law enforcement Agencies which resulted one minor boy of 08 was kidnapped easily from Alif Shah Shaheed city area of Lakhi-Gate Police Station which is a big question mark over the performance of Police.
About 13 innocent persons including a minor boy of 08 are still in the clutches of the kidnappers.

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