Give Solar Panels to Farmers, Government Money Should be Spent on It: PML-N Supremo Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

Lahore,  : “Present a comprehensive plan to solve problem of expensive electricity for small farmers,” directed PML-N supremo Muhammad Nawaz Sharif to the authorities concerned, while co-chairing with Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif a special meeting on providing solar panels for tube wells to farmers.

PML-N Quaid asked how much more expensive electricity and gas would be made on the dictates of IMF? He added,”How long will people’s patience be tested?”

Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif directed to give solar panels to farmers. He said,” Government money should be spent on it.”

Quaid PML-N Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said,”A farmer should get full reward for his hard work. He should be saved from the exploitation of the middlemen.” He added,”Farmers should be provided modern machinery.”

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif agreed and said,”Drip irrigation will also be reviewed in this regard, as it will save water and will also reduce costs. Farmers will be happy with the cost reduction and proper compensation of their crops.”

She directed to present a comprehensive strategy to control the mafia selling expensive fertilizers.

Earlier, it was briefed that In the past, Government supplied wheat to the mills at less than the cost, the subsidy being the same for the poor and the rich. This resulted in a revolving debt of Rs 630 billion for the government. Rs 25 crores per day was being paid only as interest on this loan. Had reforms not been taken, it was feared that the debt would have reached Rs 1.1 trillion. Therefore,, the government abolished general subsidy on wheat.

Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Information Minister Azma Bukhari, Food Minister Bilal Yasin, Agriculture Minister Syed Ashiq Hussain, MPA Sania Ashiq, Chief Secretary, SMBR, Secretary Food, Agriculture, Finance, Chairman PITB and other senior officers concerned attended the meeting

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