Provincial Minister Ramesh Singh Arora receives Historical welcome on his arrival at Narowal

Provincial Minister for Religious Minority Affairs Ramesh Singh Arora reached his native Narowal constituency yesterday where people of the constituency gave him a historical welcome. Ramesh Singh Arora arrived in his constituency for the first time after assuming the office of the Minister, where the provincial minister was garlanded with flowers, sat on a Baghi ​​and was paraded around the constituency to the beat of drums. While thanking the people, he assured that the sense of deprivness among religious minorities will be eradicated. The provincial minister said that the PML-N government is ensuring the protection of the rights of religious minorities, while Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz had made it clear on the first day that she is the chief minister of all, while having a great respect for for religious minorities is in her heart. Ramesh Singh Arora further said that it is a great honor for the Sikh community that a Sikh has become the provincial minister for the first time and will set a new record of prosperity and development in his five-year tenure.

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