Lahore,  : Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif strongly condemned Islamophobia. CM denounced that an unjust and discriminatory attitude is being adopted with the Muslims owing to Islamophobia.  The innocent Muslims in Palestine and in the Occupied Kashmir are subjected to tyranny and oppression reflects true manifestation of Islamophobia CM in her message on the eve of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia highlighted that Islam is a peaceful religion and the Muslims overwhelming believe in faith. Maryam Nawaz outlined that Islam is the only religion which has granted fundamental human rights adding that there is a dire need to portray the face of the Islamic world in a positive manner. Maryam Nawaz exhorted that the Muslim countries by ending disunity among their ranks should become a symbol of unity adding that acting upon the Islamic values in their true spirit and our individual mode of practice can play a pivotal role in defeating Islamophobia. CM underscored that we have to make a pledge on the International Day to Combat Islamophobia  that we will not desist from the sterling Islamic virtues of forbearance, tolerance and gentle behaviour. The United Nations, OIC and other international organisations need to make further concerted strives for the elimination of Islamophobia.

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