The efficacy of the small family has far-reaching consequences

The efficacy of the small family has far-reaching consequences
Adopting the new idea of a balanced family will be a step towards a better future
Establishment of PPIF to increase family planning coverage and provide better quality services
Punjab Population Innovation Fund has introduced a 4-point agenda to achieve the goals
Family planning services have been made accessible to rural areas
Modern media are being used for family planning services and information
Lahore March 13. Director General Welfare Punjab and Chief Executive Officer PPIF Saman Rai has said in a meeting with various delegations in his office that we should take steps towards a better future by adopting the new idea of a balanced family because the importance and usefulness of a small family is now well known. She said that Pakistan is the fifth largest country in the world in terms of population and Punjab is the densest province of the country. She said that additional births have been recorded due to the gap in family planning needs, supply, and provision of related services. It has persisted for over a decade and closing this gap with traditional family planning methods is a challenging task. He said that to provide better quality services along with increasing the coverage of family planning, the Punjab Population Innovation Fund has been established by the Punjab government. is making All these innovative initiatives are aimed at enabling easy access to family planning services, especially for people living in rural areas, by adopting innovative communication. A 4-point agenda has been introduced by the Punjab Population Innovation Fund to achieve the goals. This agenda includes ensuring increased access to family planning services, encouraging greater involvement of men, reducing the cost of family planning, and making family planning services and information available to everyone, focusing on the youth. It involves making use of modern mass media to ensure a balance in the population and resources of Punjab by bringing about a positive change in the attitudes and thinking of the people.

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