Asif Ali Zardari to resolve issues of Balochistan after becoming President, hopes Sarfraz Bugti

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has described the success of Asif Ali Zardari from Balochistan Assembly as historic and said that he (Zardari) secured 47 votes.
While speaking to the media persons soon after the announcement of result of presidential election in the provincial assembly on Saturday, the Chief Minister thanked to all members of the provincial assembly on casting votes in favour of Asif Ali Zardari. He said that Prsident Zardari has got historic victory from Balochistan Assembly.
He said that Asif Ali Zardari would visit the province soon, and we would take up the issues of province with him.
He said that PPP believes in taking all pollical parties along. He said that Asif Ali Zardari knows very well about the issues of province including poverty and backwardness.
Moreover, it is also his (Zardari) agenda to bring smaller units of the country at par others, he added.
He particularly referred the initiatives taken by Asif Ali Zardari as the then President in the past such as passage of 18th amendment and NFC award besides the Aghaz Haqooq Balochistan Package.
He said that the PPP made part of the federal government just to strengthen the state of Pakistan.
He said that PPP would be at the forefront whenever Pakistan needs it.
Referring the issues of Balochistan, Chief Minister reiterated to resolve the challenges of governance, law and order and climate change.
He said that we have to address three challenges being faced by the province at the moment and adding he mentioned that we would bring such policies to address them.
Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti informed that the government making process would be completed in the province after conduct of the Senate elections.
He said that a joint committee of PPP and PML-N would make decision about the cabinet members and distribution of ministries in the province.
Earlier, while speaking to media before the polling process, Chief Minister expressed the hope that Asif Ali Zardari would succeed from the assembly with overwhelming majority.
He said that Asif Ali Zardari would take all parties along after becoming President of the country.

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