Disease Control Compartment effective plan to control foot-and-mouth disease. Secretary Livestoc Masood Anwer


A two-day workshop was held in a private hotel in collaboration with Livestock Department Punjab and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan on the establishment of a disease control compartment free of foot and mouth disease. The purpose of organizing the workshop was to sensitize livestock farmers about establishing disease control compartments. Secretary Livestock Muhammad Masood Anwar, participating in the closing ceremony of the workshop as a special guest, said in his speech that the livestock sector should play its role for the improvement of the country’s economy, while the export of livestock products should be increased by establishing a disease control compartment. he added that the Livestock Department is taking all possible measures for the prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and the Disease Control Compartment has an effective plan to control foot-and-mouth disease. Addressing the people of the industry, he said that the private sector should be a part of such projects to increase exports to stabilize the country’s economy. Dr. Naveed Niazi, former Director General of Livestock gave a comprehensive speech on the importance of Animal Identification and Traceability System and said that this system is very important for animal records and through it a universal number is allotted for the identification of animals. This system has been called the NADRA of animals. Director of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan Miss Faiqa appreciated the measures taken by the Disease Control Compartment and Livestock Department for export. At the end of the event, Secretary Livestock distributed certificates to the participants and thanked the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan. Director General Extension, Representative FAO, President Meat Exporters Association of Pakistan, Private Farmers and other departmental officers also participated in the closing ceremony of the workshop.

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