Saman Rai has said that rapid revolutionary steps have been taken to make the Population Welfare

Lahore . Director General of the Department of Population Welfare, Punjab, Saman Rai has said that rapid revolutionary steps have been taken to make the Population Welfare Department a role model for other departments and for other provinces to emulate it. In this regard, the department has started To adapt the welfare population to modern requirements, with the support of the Punjab Information Technology Board, the data of all the services provided will be digitized and linked to an integrated system of dashboards to improve the manual system and change the workflow. Better initiatives can be demonstrated in the future. With transparency, accountability, and efficiency, these initiatives will usher in a new era of digital governance in the province. He expressed this while addressing the departmental meeting. Director General Saman Rai said that the purpose of this initiative under the leadership of the Punjab Government and the Punjab Information Technology Board is to streamline the process, increase transparency, and improve efficiency in the provision of services in the department. The project developed with the support of PITB will help address long-standing challenges faced by the population welfare department such as manual processes, lack of accountability, and limited access to family planning services. He added that one of the key components of the project is the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning solution tailored to the specific needs of the Population Welfare Department. This comprehensive system will help in automating processes, digitizing records, and operations at both headquarters and field levels. Further, the project includes several innovative features aimed at public engagement and access to family planning services. to improve. These include a public consultation service that will allow individuals to anonymously seek advice from family planning consultants through a dedicated mobile application and a client feedback mechanism to gauge satisfaction and improve service quality. In addition to enhancing delivery, the project will focus on strengthening administrative processes, digitizing financial management, file management, and attendance monitoring. All these processes will improve departmental efficiency, accountability, and decision-making. will be able Director General Saman Rai said the project is aligned with the provincial development strategy, which emphasizes human capital and achieving sustainable development goals. To contribute significantly to the well-being of the people of Punjab through good health, impact on coverage of family planning services, and improvement in contraception rates. He said that transparency, accountability, and efficiency initiatives will usher in a new era of digital governance in the province. With the successful implementation of this project, the dream of transforming the Population Welfare Department into a modern, efficient public service delivery model will be realized. will be done.

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