PKMT Youth Wing protest Rally against Sponsorship of KFC in PSl-9

From Shikarpur

SHIKARPUR: Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tahreek-PKMT Youth Wing District Shikarpur took out a protest Rally against Massacre in Palestine by Israel and sponsorship of KFC in PSL-9 by Pakistan here on Thursday.
According to reports reached here that the Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tahreek-PKMT Youth Wing District Shikarpur took out a Rally from Mirani Park to Shikarpur Press Club Shikarpur in protest against the Massacre of innocent people in Palestine by Israel and ill attitude of Pakistan Cricket Board-PCB for having sponsorship from KFC the Israili Company.
Speaking on the occasion Najeeullah Jatoi, Ali Gul Solangi, Zubair Ahmed and others said that the whole world is boycotting the products of Israel and our PCB is going to run the PSL-9 with the sponsorship of KFC the Israili Company which is so shameful for all of us.
The angry protesters while taking placards and banners in their hands raised slogans against Israel and opposed the act of PCB for PSL-9 with the support of KFC Company.
The activist of Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tahreek-PKMT have demanded from Government of time to immediate withdraw from the sponsorship of KFC Company for PLS-9 and impose Bann over any kind of advertising of KFC and other Israeli products in our Country Pakistan.

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