Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi paid a visit to the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department located at the Birdwood Road and inaugurated FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi” by the health department. CM inspected the studios and various sections of the FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi”. Mohsin Naqvi recorded a message for the FM Radio Sehat Zindagi. He stated that launching of FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi” is an appreciable step of the Health department. The people can be provided awareness to prevent themselves from various diseases and undergo their treatment through the FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi”. CM stated that the specialists from various medical departments should be invited on the FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi” and the people should be provided awareness with regard to health issues and their cure. Mohsin Naqvi underscored that FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi” will prove to be a beneficial project in the health sector. CM maintained that the standard of radio industry has definitely declined but FM Radio is listened even today. The broadcast of FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi” can be listened within approximately 50 km range of Lahore. The Provincial Minister and Secretary for P&SHC deserve congratulations on the successful launching of FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi”. The Health department can make an effective awareness campaign through the platform of FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi”. Secretary Health despite having scarce resources has launched an excellent project. The FM Radio “Sehat Zindagi” has to only focus on the programs relating to the health sector. Mohsin Naqvi apprised that various hospitals have been upgraded in a short span of time while the upgradation of few other hospitals are in their final phases of completion. The hospitals which have not been upgraded yet, will be upgraded in the next phase. CM stated that we have provided non available facilities in the hospitals. We will arrange new operation theatres, MRI machines and other facilities in collaboration with the private sector. Mohsin Naqvi also inaugurated HRIMS, ORIM and HIDU. CM also inaugurated the van especially being prepared for the video link along with the coaster project. Provincial Minister for P&SHC Dr. Jamal Nasir, Chief Secretary, Secretary C&W, Secretary Health and concerned officials were also present on the occasion.

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