Jan Achakzai pleased over peaceful completion of electoral process

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has expressed pleasure over peaceful completion of the electoral process in the province.
In an official statement issued here on Friday, the caretaker Minister Information urged the losing candidates to accept the result of general elections.
He said that the interim government thanks all the political parties as well as the election candidates and voters from the core of heart on their cooperation for conducting elections.
Jan Achakzai said that the protests, dharnas and hurdles created on the roads cause hardships and inconvenience to the general public. This also creates hurdle in access to the ambulances and emergent services, he maintained.
He, however, warned that stern action would be taken against those creating problems and taking law in their hands.
No relaxation would be given to those violating the law, adding the Minister asserted.

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