Election 2024, Revenge and retribution



Qamar Bashir
Press Secretary to the President(Rtd)
Former Press Minister at Embassy of Pakistan to France
Former MD, SRBC


On election day, a multifaceted portrayal emerges from both social and traditional media, heralding the peaceful conclusion of the voting process. Despite efforts from all political parties, including state machinery, to diminish PTI’s influence, they misread the pulse of Pakistani voters. The dynamics of voting were reshaped by factors such as the influx of young and women voters, increased digital literacy and penetration, and the pervasive influence of social media platforms like WhatsApp. These elements were pivotal in this election, unlike in previous ones, marking a new era of voter empowerment in Pakistani politics. While the state favored PML(N), the tactics employed by the state were thwarted by voters’ resentment over the heavy-handed crackdown on PTI leadership and supporters. Through their ballots, voters triumphed over planned irregularities, intimidation tactics, and pre-election rigging, underscoring a collective rejection of state interference. The high voter turnout exemplified heightened public engagement and a desire for change. Overall, the prevailing mood among voters was one of seeking retribution for perceived injustices and asserting their autonomy in the electoral process.

Unfortunately, between the hours of 9 pm and 12 midnight, mobile and internet services were once again disrupted, causing a slowdown in the reporting of election results. This disruption occurred at a critical juncture, coinciding with the unexpected strong performance of PTI and PPP representatives, and the underwhelming showing of PML(N).

Returning offices cited server downtimes and technical difficulties as reasons for the delay, yet failed to provide clear explanations or confirm results compiled by presiding officers. The Election Commission intervened, instructing returning officers not to compile or issue results independently, but to forward them to the Commission for announcement, if deemed appropriate.

Despite widespread complaints from political parties about the prolonged delay, PML(N) remained conspicuously silent on the matter. Observers voiced their frustration and anger over the prolonged delay, labeling it a conspiracy against both the country and its people. In Sindh, PPP enjoyed significant success in rural areas, resulting in swift and apparent results. However, in Punjab and KP provinces, the results trickled in alarmingly slowly, raising suspicions of deliberate obstruction.

At midnight, despite the slowdown in reporting, notable developments emerged in various constituencies across Pakistan. Shoib Shaheen in Islamabad secured a comfortable lead in PS 27, while Taj Mohammad of PTI surged ahead against the JUI candidate. Palarosan of PPP emerged victorious in Khairpur, while Ali Amin secured a commanding lead over Maulana Fazal ur Rehman. However, Jehangir Tareen of IPP faced defeat in both seats. Fazal Mohammad of PTI was also in the lead, and Umer Ayub clinched victory in 18 Haripur with a significant margin against PML(N). Asad Qaiser of PTI emerged victorious over the JUI-F candidate with a substantial lead, and Mr. Zubair Khan of PTI secured a win in Battagram PK 34 against a JUI-F candidate. Meanwhile, Nawaz Sharif appeared to be leading with a clear majority.

At 12:30 am, these results prompted a sense of quiet unease in the PML(N) media center, where Nawaz Sharif was scheduled to deliver a victory speech. Journalists, who had been prepared for the event, were informed accordingly. However, a tweet from state representatives suggested optimism for PML(N) in Balochistan constituencies. Despite this, the dismal results in Punjab and KP provinces shifted discussions on TV channels toward the possibility of a PPP and PTI coalition government.

At 12:37 am in Karachi, Khalid Maqbool Siddique of MQM Haqparast confidently claimed victory in 18 to 19 out of 21 seats, breaking all previous records. He pledged to serve all citizens of Karachi, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity.

Asif Ali Zardari expressed satisfaction with the incoming results and congratulated Bilawal Bhutto on the outstanding performance, asserting that the next government would be formed by the PPP. Meanwhile, TV commentators, who had previously speculated on a strong PML(N) victory and discussed the potential oath-taking of Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister and Maryam Nawaz as Chief Minister of Punjab, shifted their focus. They now deliberated on the likelihood of a PPP and PTI coalition government at the center, advising PML(N) to gracefully accept defeat and assume the role of the opposition.

Which prompted the Election Commission to completely freeze the result by 01 am ws the results which were pouring in at 10pm and earlier at 7 pm respectively. At 10 pm the PTI was maintaining the overall lead in Punjab and KP province where the PTI was sweeping. In Sindh, PPP was facing stiff competition from GDA. Mian Nawaz Sharif was trailing behind Gustasib Khan in Mansehra. Amin Gandpure was winning with a large margin against Moulana Fazal ur Rehaman. Atta Tarar who was trailing behind Bilawal Bhutto started leading. PTI’s Qaiser was winning by a large margin. Zartaj Gul, Aminpur Gandapur and Salman Akram Raja of PTI maintained their lead. Ms. Rehana Dar who was trailing behind Khawaja Asif in Sialkot started leading.

Hafiz Mohammand Saad Rizvi was winning in Attack. Umer Ayub in Haripur was winning by a large margin. Mr. Waqas Akram started winning. Mr. Shahbash Sharif started trailing Sardar M. Hussain Dogar, in Kasur, considered a big setback to PML(N). The PTI candidate was close to Shahbaz Sharif in Lahore. Mian Latif, a strong candidate of PML(N) started losing against the PTI candidate. Khawaja Saad Rafique was ahead of Latif Khosa in Lahore. Usama of PTI was beating Ehsan Ranja of PML(N). The comments on all channels started shifting away from PML(N) in favor of PTI. Barrister Gohar Ali of PTI was leading by a large margin. Shaukat Basra of PTI was leading against PML(N). Mir Muqaam was losing by a large margin. The mobile services which were restored, were once again terminated and elections result were slowed down, leading to rumors that since the PTI is winning in most of the seats, therefore, thes state might stepin to help its favorite party.

The termination of internet and mobile services were terminated throughout the day. Which were criticized by PPP and PTI criticized it, alleging an attempt to suppress voter turnout and manipulate the outcome. This move sparked debates in traditional and social media, with some supporting the security measures for maintaining stability, while others condemned it for impeding citizens’ rights and hindering transparency in the electoral process.

The Human Rights Commission has expressed concern regarding the termination of internet and mobile services in the lead-up to the elections. They have criticized the blackout, highlighting its impact on citizens’ rights to access information and communicate freely. The Commission views such actions as potentially infringing upon democratic principles and impeding the transparency of the electoral process. They emphasize the importance of balancing security measures with the protection of fundamental rights, urging authorities to ensure that such disruptions are proportionate and justified.

Local and international observers have provided observations on the conduct of the elections thus far. Local observers have noted issues such as irregularities, voter intimidation, and violence in certain areas, raising concerns about transparency and fairness. Similarly, international observers have emphasized the importance of free and fair elections, calling for impartiality, transparency, and adherence to electoral laws. They stress the need for accountability and transparency to ensure public confidence in the electoral process. Both local and international observers continue to monitor closely and provide assessments to uphold democratic standards.

The Election 2024 was marked by pre-poll harassment, intimidation, and threats faced by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leadership which prompted International observers to echo these concerns, emphasizing the need for a peaceful and transparent electoral process free from coercion and violence. A day prior to and during the pooling day throughout Pakistan, the security situation though remained largely tolerable was also marred with various incidents of violence including instances of voter intimidation, raising concerns about the integrity of the process.

As the tumultuous events of the 2024 elections in Pakistan unfold, a narrative emerges of resilience and determination amidst adversity. Despite challenges ranging from disruptions in communication to incidents of violence and intimidation, the Pakistani electorate has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to democracy. The power of the vote has prevailed over attempts to manipulate and suppress it, as voters have asserted their agency and sought to shape the future of their nation. As the dust settles and the results begin to take shape, it is clear that the path forward will be marked by continued vigilance, accountability, and a steadfast dedication to upholding democratic principles. In the face of uncertainty, Pakistan stands poised to embrace its democratic destiny, guided by the collective will of its people and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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