Subversive acts in Killa Saifullah, Pishin conspiracy to sabotage peaceful election process

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki has condemned the explosions took place in Pishin and Killa Saifullah districts which claimed lives of several persons and left many injured on Wednesday.
In an official condemnation issued here on Wednesday, the Chief Minister expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives in the two blasts and injuries caused to several persons.
He also sought report of the subversive acts from provincial Home department.
He directed to the law enforcement agencies to mobilize all available resources for arrest of the elements involved in the terrorism incidents.
The Chief Minister said that the subversive acts are conspiracy to disrupt the peaceful election process in the province.
He directed to the LEAs to take those involved in the blasts to task.
On the other hand, he asked the voters to not be scared of the situation and come out of their homes to use their right of franchise.
He assured that the security arrangements are being improved further, and adding he vowed to stop the subversive acts.
He expressed sympathy and condolence with those died in the two blasts and prayed for the departed souls.
He also prayed for early recovery of the injured of blasts.

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