Front line Defenders Profiting from False Resettlement Cases

By M.Ilyas

ISLAMABAD- allegations of human trafficking and fraud have emerged against the renowned human rights NGO, Frontline Defenders. The organization, dedicated to safeguarding human rights globally, is under scrutiny for allegedly fabricating numerous false cases and profiting from settlements with the Canadian government. Over the past three years, Front line Defenders has purportedly orchestrated the migration of individuals to Canada, citing human rights violations as grounds for resettlement. Shockingly, investigations suggest that these cases might have been falsified for financial gain. Deanne Uyangoda, a key figure within the NGO, has been implicated in the scandal, reportedly amassing millions of dollars through the scheme. Witnesses have come forward with accounts of paying substantial sums to Uyangoda to prepare false cases and facilitate their journeys to Canada. One individual, who chose to remain anonymous, disclosed paying Uyangoda approximately $7,000 to orchestrate his relocation to Canada from Thailand. Similarly, another witness recounted sending $3,000 to Uyangoda from Indonesia, only to have communication severed after failing to meet the demanded $8,000. The Independent’s investigation into Fron tline Defenders’ operations revealed a pattern of deceit, with individuals alleging that the organization employs corrupt practices to exploit the plight of vulnerable populations. Despite mounting evidence and testimonies, there exists a glaring absence of legislation to hold fraudulent NGOs accountable for their actions. Calls for a thorough review of applications and interviews from regions including Southeast Asia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have intensified, with hopes of exposing the corruption within Frontline Defenders. The revelations underscore the urgent need for regulatory measures to safeguard against exploitation and uphold the integrity of human rights advocacy worldwide. As the investigation unfolds, the integrity of organizations entrusted with protecting human rights hangs in the balance.

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