Entire Nation stands with Kashmiris Minister Ibrahim Hassan Murad

The provincial minister Ibrahim Hassan Murad in a statement regarding Kashmir Day, said that Kashmiris are facing worst violation since decades, which violating the U.N. Security Council resolutions on Kashmir in fact India has always acted as a land-grabbing mafia, rather than a democracy. The minister said that day of 5th February remind us to show fully solidarity among Kashmiris and remind the international community of its obligation to use its influence over India to resolve this decade’s long conflict. He further said that the day is near when the people of the region will achieve freedom despite the oppression of India. He said that Pakistan has raised the Kashmir issue vigorously at international forums; silence of the international community over the killings of innocent Kashmiris is tantamount to the murder of justice. He said that Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan and we will keep supporting Kashimir diplomatically, despite the hue and cry of India.

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