A high-level meeting, chaired by Inspector General of National Highways

A high-level meeting, chaired by Inspector General of National Highways and Motorway Police, Salman Chaudhry, was held at the Central Police Office in Islamabad. The focus of the meeting was 100% implementation of axle load control on motorways and highways. 228 cases were registered against those who did not cooperate regarding implementation of axle load on the National Highways across the country, 81091 overloaded vehicles were challaned and 16884 vehicles were returned, while additional goods were also off loaded from thousands of goods vehicles. IG Salman Chaudhry directed that zonal and sector commanders shall conduct surprise checking and monitoring to ensure 100% implementation of axle load control regime. In order to control goods overloading, strict implementation should be ensured, especially tyre pressure gauge checking. He further stated that the National Highways and Motorway Police committed to the complete elimination of overloading from the National Highways of the country, for which all resources will be utilized. It was informed in the meeting that extra goods are being off loaded from overloaded vehicles under the supervision of the National Highways and Motorway Police at all the Weigh Stations established on National Highways and furthermore, thousands of overloaded vehicles are also being returned with heavy fines. A strict warning has been given to all the major goods supplier of Pakistan, markets, and cement manufacturing plants and goods transport companies, informing them in detail about the damages of overloading. Which is a proof that under the leadership of Inspector General Salman Chaudhry, National Highways and Motorway Police, is trying with fully devotion eliminate the violation of overloading and this is the reason that the transport unions and owners from different goods transport companies from across the country have acknowledging the measures taken by the Motorway Police to control this violation, in this regard they assured full cooperation with National Highways and Motorway Police. IG Salman Chaudhry emphasizes the importance of preventing overloaded vehicles from using motorways and highways. Overloaded vehicles contribute to road accidents and cause of damages the road infrastructure. Therefore, overloaded vehicles shall never be allowed to use motorways and highways and commuters must obey traffic rules.

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