NAB (Balochistan) arranged ceremony for distribution of merit certificates

NAB (Balochistan) arranged ceremony for distribution of merit certificates in recognition of good performance during the year 2023 among its employees. Director General NAB (Balochistan) Zafar Iqbal Khan, Deputy Prosecutor General Accountability Jaffar Raza Khan, Director NAB Dr. Muhammad Rashad, Officers of NAB (B) and a large number of NAB (B) employees attended the event. Director NAB Dr. Muhammad Rashad in his inaugural words welcomed the audience and disclosed the run of events of the ceremony. Thereafter, Director General NAB in his address, appreciated the efforts of NAB officials. He said that development of any department is directly linked to the performance and hardworking of its employees. NAB (Balochistan) is very lucky that it has very hard working staff. He said that merit is the scale to measure capability of any individual. We should work hard to enhance our competence. He said that earning Halal should be our motive alongwith self-accountability to become a better citizen. He advised the audience to make their home and environment clean. Later on, merit certificates were distributed among the NAB officials. An awareness walk against corruption was also held at NAB premises.

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