Existence of Zaman Tahafuz Moment and its aims and objectives

Written by Muhammad Naseem Ranzooryar


Dear Readers! There are many benefits of unity and agreement. Peaceful unity at national, regional and social levels can benefit the poor and helpless people of the society. Gay love brotherhood and become accustomed to participating in each other’s sorrows and joys, which will strengthen the relationship. Hate Keeping greed and prejudice away from nationality, they tend towards humanity and religious friendship. Regarding unity and consensus, it has been described as a special blessing of Allah in the Holy Qur’an. Unity increases your glory and honor. It is the source of your power and supremacy and a means of liberation from mental slavery. Due to unity and agreement, compassion, brotherhood, love, service, and courage are also increased. Success kisses the feet of people who Live together and with unity and agreement. Unity and agreement are a strong support and a powerful weapon for you in difficult situations. Enemy elements also shy away from attacking the united forces. Especially for Muslims, unity is an essential factor. Because for the Muslim Ummah, Allah Almighty has set the rule that the unseen help and support will come only when the relations of unity, consensus and centrality will be established. Considering the situation and events, Zaman Kahool in Ashezai sub-branch of Achazai tribe also organized a grand first meeting Jirga at Zaman House Chaman in Zamanabad area last Friday, in which [Zaman Tahafuz Moment] by giving a formal organizational form to scholars and tribal elders. Young people, lawyers, doctors, teachers, students of religious and contemporary studies, businessmen, Pashto literature related to print and electronic media and people from other walks of life participated in thousands with great sincerity and courage. It proved that Zaman Tahafuz Moment is an organization dedicated to peaceful reformation and social services. Because all the people belonging to all walks of life are connected with Zaman Tahafuz Moment only they are scattered due to lack of guidance. From this peaceful and reformed flat form, Zaman Tahafuz Moment, first of all from among themselves, through the scholars of the Committee, elders and youths, by rooting out old grudges in the light of Islamic teachings and instructions, continues to strengthen the unity.They will continue their efforts, while keeping a clear eye on social welfare and regional services, they will take the lead in playing a practical role. The first taarofi jirga consisted of two sessions. The first session was the taarofi session in which all the great and small ones of Zaman Baba presented their taarofis. After that, the second seat was given to reformist statements. In the light of Shariah guidelines, all the family members of Zaman Tahafuz Moment took a pledge to take positive steps for the region by participating with great courage and bravery and agreed that they need and serve each other at all times. I will be present. And it was decided that Zaman Tahafuz Moment will continue to take steps after the advice of its scholars and elders and this Zaman Tahafuz Moment has not come into existence for anyone’s opposition or for anyone’s pleasure, rather it has come into being for its own sake. Due to the strength of inter-relationships, there are dozens of young people from all walks of life in Zaman Tahafuz Moment. Use it and not become a victim of other people’s interests and greed. In this regard, Zaman Tahafuz Moment, in the first introductory jirga at Zaman House Chaman, after the introduction session, the scholars were given a seat to give corrective statements that the youth of Zaman Tahafuz Moment Present detailed statements in the light of Islamic teachings and instructions for the guidance of the youth so that the spirit of religion, friendship, social service to humanity and unity and agreement will intensify among the youth. [Zaman Tahafuz Moment] who are the generation of Zaman Baba to continue this series of unity and agreement among themselves and to take grudges against the flat form of this peaceful and humanitarian Zaman Tahafuz Moment. To take social measures to solve problems and difficulties, especially with the poor among relatives. Play a practical role in cooperation. wisdom The social service will maintain this chain of unity and agreement and at the same time, it is also important to create Zaman Baba Foundation for the poor and helpless people in Zaman Kahol, that soon it will also be restored. This organization is only and only of Zaman Baba. It has come into existence on the basis of complete ethnic recognition and social work and humanitarian service that will never be used for personal national interest because Zaman Tahafuz Moment is a committee that includes scholars, tribal elders and youths of religious and contemporary studies. whose movement and movement day and night will be under the supervision of scholars and elders.Because Zaman Baba’s generation and descendants stand only for human service and building strong relationships. Everyone can join the peaceful Zaman Tahafuz moment of their Zaman Baba with an open heart and perform services according to their field. They are and can take steps for the betterment and unity of the Zaman National Moment. It is hoped that in the future, along with the Zaman Tahafuz Moment, there will also be the existence of the Zaman Baba Foundation. We have inherited the humanitarian initiatives of Hazrat Zaman Baba. Even today, there is no Kalashnikov culture in the entire generation and descendants of Zaman Baba, as in the old times. They live a pure and free life. The scholars of Zaman Tahafuz Moment addressed the first Taarofi Jirga and said that Zaman Baba has the reward of being noble and peaceful in the nation for the entire night, that Zaman Baba himself did not take up arms against anyone. And Alhamdulillah, there is no such family or individual in his complete generation who has arms or guards culture. By the grace and grace of Allah Almighty, the generation and descendants of Hazrat Zaman Baba are free from all kinds of wars and disputes, free from the taint of weapons and live peacefully. From our elders to our elders, everyone has come away from killing and looting. Well, we will also leave the legacy of urging the future generations to live a peaceful life and live a noble life. Hazrat Zaman Baba’s nobility is a clear example that till today. Social and anti-human evils such as murder, looting, cruelty, coercion on the rights of others, robbery, robbery, banditry, etc. are not found in his generation and descendants. which is a peaceful and great example in the country and the region. In the light of this continuity, Zaman Baba’s generation and descendants followed the footsteps of their great peaceful and dervish grandfather, Hazrat Zaman Baba, by bringing into being the Zaman Tahafuz Moment. He is determined to continue this message and chain of peace until his future generations. Jalil-ul-Qadr Jada Majid Hazrat Zaman Baba’s genealogy is very detailed. He has five sons. And the genealogy of Hazrat Nasruddin Baba i.e. Hazrat Zaman Baba is in the stages of preparation and it will be published as soon as possible in detail.

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