Iran’s attack in Balochistan: 2 children killed, Pakistan summoned the Iranian Charge d’affaires

The Foreign Office strongly condemned Iran’s violation of Pakistan’s airspace and summoned the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Foreign Office says that this violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty is completely unacceptable. And this may have serious consequences, the responsibility of the consequences will be entirely on Iran. The statement issued by the Foreign Office read that Pakistan has always said that terrorism is a common threat to all countries in the region for which a coordinated response is needed. Action is needed, such unilateral actions are not in keeping with good neighborly relations and can seriously damage bilateral trust. The statement said that Pakistan will continue to accept Iran’s unprovoked violation of its airspace and within Pakistani territory. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two innocent children were killed and three girls were injured as a result of the Iranian attack in Pakistan’s airspace. The Foreign Office said that it is even more worrying that between Pakistan and Iran, despite the existence of multiple channels of communication, this illegal act has taken place. According to the Foreign Office, Pakistan has already lodged a strong protest with the concerned senior official in the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also been summoned to strongly condemn this flagrant violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. It should be clear that missile and drone attacks were carried out in Balochistan by Iranian security forces in violation of Pakistan’s airspace. In the news of the Iranian official TV Noor News, it was claimed that missiles and drone attacks were carried out by the Iranian security forces on two bases of the Jaish-ul-Adl organization in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.
Earlier, Iran’s state media reported on Tuesday that Iran had targeted two bases of the Baloch militant group Jaish-ul-Adl inside Pakistan with missiles. Reuters quoted Iran’s state media as saying that both bases were destroyed by drone and missile strikes. According to Reuters, this group had increased attacks on security forces in Iranian areas bordering Pakistan. China on Wednesday urged Pakistan and Iran to show “restraint”. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said during a media briefing, “We ask both sides to exercise restraint, refrain from actions that may escalate tensions, and work together to maintain peace and stability.” The spokesman said, “We (China) consider both Iran and Pakistan as close neighbors and major Islamic countries.” He said that both Iran and Pakistan are close partners of Beijing and members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The Jaish-e-Adl organization has said in a statement that several houses of the organization’s “Mujahideen” were targeted by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards with six drones where children and women were living. The organization said that in these attacks. Two houses were destroyed where the families living, including children, were among the dead and injured. The statement said, “It was a criminal attack in which two young children were martyred while two women and a young girl were seriously injured.” Jaish al-Adl is a Sunni armed group that started its activities from the city of Sistan, Iran. The group was formed after the arrest and execution of Abdul Malik Regi, the leader of another armed group in the region, Jundullah. was accused of The location of the attack was Kalk, a sub-tehsil of Koh Sabz, a border region of Panjgur district. According to Amir Bajoy, a local journalist in Khuzdar, the target area of the attack is considered to be a peaceful region, which is important in terms of trade. It is about 40 to 50 km from Chidgi, the main trading point of the border. A mosque was also reportedly damaged in the blast. According to the residents of the area, a plane arrived, through which the blast was carried out. The area is rocky and plain, where people depend on cross-border trade as there are no other sources of income. The deceased have been identified as Umira and Salman, while the injured include Asma, Ruqiya, Ayesha and Maryam.

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