National Accountability Bureau

National Accountability Bureau
In connection with anti-corruption awareness campaign, NAB (Balochistan) invited a delegation of students along with faculty members of University of Loralai (UoL) to visit NAB Balochistan. Accordingly Vice Chancellor Mr. Ehsan Ullah Kakar, Director General UoL Dr. Khair Muhammad Kakar, faculty members and fair gathering of students visited NAB (Balochistan). During the visit, a ceremony was arranged wherein lectures to the participants were given about the working of NAB (Balochistan) and its other allied matters. Thereafter, the guests visited different offices of NAB (B) including investigation wing, complaint verification cell, library, art gallery and other offices.
The event inaugurated with recitation of holy Quran and national anthem. Director General NAB Mr. Zafar Iqbal Khan and Director NAB Dr. Muhammad Rashad delivered their lectures on awareness against corruption and working of NAB (Balochistan). In order to eradicate corruption from society, they stressed upon the students to live their lives as per Islamic values, so the evil of corruption can be eliminated from our society. They highlighted that nepotism, Influence peddling and favouritism are the branches of corruption but unfortunately these have been taken by the society as norm/right. DG NAB (Balochistan) replied detailed answers to the questions raised by the students and faculty members during the session.
The main objective of the visit is to make the youth aware of the implications of corruption, differentiation between halal and haram and impact of raising their voice against this evil. DG NAB said that nowadays we keep sharing any information with each other through social media without verification which is creating an atmosphere of anxiety in the society. He said that we must work together for the betterment of the society as every individual has its role in making the nation. He requested the audience, especially the students, that we have to take vocal and practical steps against this scourge so that a strong and corruption-free society can move forward and for this purpose, education and awareness are our basic tools. On this occasion, the Vice Chancellor University of Loralai in his address appreciated the efforts of NAB Balochistan and also assured all possible help in the anti-corruption awareness drive of NAB Balochistan. Afterwards, the guests visited various departments/wings of NAB Balochistan i.e. Investigation Wing, Complaint Verification Cell, Administration etc wherein relevant officers briefed them about the working.

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