Tribal Chieftain Sardar Himmat Ali Khan Kamariyo Passed away

From Shikarpur
Report By
Adeel Ahmed Dall
Tribal Chieftain Sardar Himmat Ali Khan Kamariyo Passed away
SHIKARPUR: The tribal Chieftain Sardar Himmat Ali Khan Kamariyo Passed away yesterday night whose Nimaz-e-Janaza was held at Tarai on Wednesday.
The Sardar Himmat Ali Khan Kamariyo was laid down in peace with weight eyes in his ancestors graveyard.
The large number of community men, family members and friends, Ex-Elected representatives and notables attended his Nimaz-e-Janaza and funeral ceremony at village Tarai.
The late Sardar Himmat Ali Khan Kamariyo was very familiar in holding Jirgas and prominent tribal Chieftain of the Province Sindh.

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