In order to release the arrested associates of the robbers

( By Tanveer Ahmed Soomro)
In order to release the arrested associates of the robbers, the operation of the notorious Lathani gang in the Mureed shakh, area near Ubauro District Ghotki , the area shook with the sound of indiscriminate firing, dozens of robbers abducted three real brothers. done, severe panic spread in the area, the heirs of the abductors blocked the national highway of Sindh and Punjab, long queues of vehicles,

According to the details, three days ago, two robbers of the Lathani gang were arrested by the police with the help of people from the Dashti tribe during an incident, after which the police of Kunbhara police station in Ubauro claimed to have injured the accused in the encounter.
In order to release them, dozens of armed men of the Lathani gang raided the houses of the Dashti community in Mureed Shakh and opened fire indiscriminately, after which the armed men kidnapped three real brothers, Allah Yar, Muhammad Yar and Allah Dad Dashti, the heirs say that they were called by Miro Lathani, the head of the Lathani gang, and threatened that the three abducted brothers would be killed if their accomplices, Fahad Lashari and Banu Lathani, were not released from the custody of the Kunbhara police. , after which the heirs of the hostages have become angry, the angry crowd has closed the shops in the city, the heirs of the hostages have demanded the immediate recovery of the hostages.
A heavy force has been called, the bandits have taken the hostages to Kacha Razi of Punjab, in this regard, the Punjab Police and Rangers have also been asked for help, and an operation will be started soon to recover the hostages, on the other hand, the bandits The photo and video of the kidnappers went viral on social media website Facebook

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