QUETTA – More than sixty participants took part in an international workshop to discuss the water crisis in Balochistan. Participants included representatives from government authorities, international partners, the private sector, civil society, academia and media. It discussed among other things the prospects of partnership between the public sector and service providers from the private sector for the distribution of drinking water in Quetta. The workshop also discussed the prospect of organizing a Balochistan water jirga to raise awareness about the water crisis and mobilize all stakeholders, from tahsil and district authorities to the provincial and federal government. A new analysis of stakeholders in the water sector was launched. It was prepared by the Revival of Balochistan Water Resources project and constituted the basis of the subsequent discussions. The workshop took place at the National Institute of Management, Quetta, and will be followed by a series of trainings, organized under the project.

For more information:
Revival of Balochistan Water Resources (RBWR)
Office of the Institute of Water Resource Management (IWMI)
BUITEMS City Campus, Jinnah Town, Quetta, Balochistan

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