Governor calls for executing dev. schemes as per public needs under comprehensive planning

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has emphasized upon executing the development schemes by the welfare organizations as per requirements of the general public under comprehensive planning so as to yield better results.
We can get better results if the development schemes are implemented to benefit large number of people instead of small schemes in different areas making them role model for other areas as well.
The Governor said that there is a need to promote sense of responsibility among masses in order to make the development process more effective and result oriented.
He was speaking to a delegation of Taraqee Foundation who called on him under leadership of ESA Khan Kakar here at the Governor House on Tuesday.
The members of delegation apprised the Governor about the performance of the Foundation.
The Governor stressed that the welfare organizations should implement the development schemes with better planning by identifying a specific area instead of the indigenous schemes.
He said that the coordination between the private institutions and government for producing better results as it is very important for better execution of the schemes.

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