Traditionally one day family fair in No Lakha Presbyterian Church


To welcome the new year, a wonderful one day family fair was organized at Nolakha Presbyterian Church in Lahore while the day was started by Dr. Reverend Majeed Abel with the prayer ceremony in the Church, later a one-day traditional family fair was organized in the ground of Nolakha Church. Which was inaugurated by the Secretary Human Rights Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Akbar along with pastor Rev Dr Majeed Abel.A large number of women and children participated in the family fair while the people who came to the fair enjoyed very much. There were different types of swings for children’s entertainment in the fair while the different stalls of various food items were also set up. Dr. Majeed Abel felicitated the Christian community and spent whole day with community to celebrates the new year. Secretary Human Rights congratulated the Christian community on New Year and inspected the various stalls. In his short address to the Christian community, he prayed that the year 2024 will be the year of development and prosperity of Pakistan. such events are the need of the hour. Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Akbar further said Majeed Abel is winning the hearts of everyone with such events along with the promotion of interfaith. In his address, Dr. Majeed Abel hoped that the year 2024 will bring a message of happiness to the whole world. He also wished Happy New Year to all Pakistanis and pray, may this year bring happiness to all. In the festival, dance competitions were also held among children, while gifts were also distributed among children and adults at the end of the festival.

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