LAHORE(): The Secretary Emergency Services Department (ESD) Dr Rizwan Naseer took the oath from 455 passing-out rescuers trained for provinces of Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan at Emergency Services Academy Lahore here on Thursday. He congratulated them on the successful completion of their professional training, and becoming a part of this live-saving emergency service.

The Chief Minister, Punjab Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi, graced the ceremony as the Chief Guest. The Home Secretary Punjab Shakeel Ahmad Mian, Secretary Emergency Services Department, Dr. Rizwan Naseer, Commissioner Lahore Muhammad Ali Randhawa, DC Lahore Rafia Haider, CCPO Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamiana, Rescue Officers from Headquarters & Emergency Services Academy, Divisional Emergency Officers, Rescuers their families, and media Personnel also witnessed the passing out parade.

Speaking on the occasion, CM Punjab congratulated the passed-out rescuers, their families & instructors of the Emergency Services Academy. He extended his pleasure for witnessing a passing out ceremony of those who are serving humanity in case of any emergency and providing a sense of safety to all without discrimination. CM Punjab announced the provision of AED (Automated External Defibrillator) machines for 800 Rescue Ambulances, with a value of Rs 300 million, to enhance cardiac emergency response. He emphasized that all AEDs will be provided as soon as possible. Mohsin Naqvi stated that every fourth patient has a heart problem, and saving one life is equivalent to saving humanity. It is essential to underscore that the value of a human life exceeds the monetary worth of the equipment, echoing the sentiment expressed in the prayers of thousands. “Our young rescuers from the four provinces should take immense pride in undergoing training at an internationally renowned Emergency Services Academy. These dedicated individuals, having successfully completed their training, are now certified rescuers trained to meet global standards, including fire and water emergency response. Rescuers from other provinces not only completed the training here but also carrying the message of love and brother hood from Punjab. Special care has been taken during training of the rescuers of other provinces, which is a source of leisure for us,” CM said.

Chief Minister Punjab stated that the Emergency Services Academy has trained over 24,000 rescuers accordance with international standards. In any emergency, the people of Punjab instinctively turn to the reliable rescue number 1122. CM Punjab expressed pride in Rescue 1122, noting its significant contribution during the rescue operation in Turkyie. The achievements of Rescue 1122 are a source of immense pride for the nation. “Our rescuers have not only illuminated the name of Pakistan but have also brought glory to Punjab and the Rescue 1122 organization.” With a fleet of 800 modern ambulances stationed throughout Punjab, Rescue 1122 boasts state-of-the-art vehicles equipped with a comprehensive array of life-saving equipment. Many ambulances had furnished with ventilators and other vital apparatus, ensuring the highest level of care during emergencies. In conclusion, may Allah Almighty bless and further develop the Emergency Services Academy, allowing it to serve as a beacon of excellence in emergency response.

Earlier, the Secretary ESD, Dr Rizwan Naseer advised the rescuers to utilize their professional skills to deal with emergencies and provide a sense of safety to the citizens in their respective provinces. He also shared the journey of the Emergency Service since its inception to the latest achievement of getting UN-INSARAG certification and response to Turkiye. Dr. Rizwan Naseer also briefed about the performance of Emergency Services, which includes rescuing over 14 million victims of emergencies since its inception in Octo

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