speech on Qaid Azam

Date: 24-12-2023

Thank you for joining me today as we gather to discuss a topic that lies close to my heart— “Peace through Trade.”

As the Chairman of the Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club, I am honored to address you on a subject that holds immense significance in our interconnected global landscape.

I firmly believe that the most formidable adversary we face on a global scale is not defined by political borders, religious differences, or ideological divides.

Instead, it is the pervasive force of poverty that manifests as the biggest terrorist in our world today.

It sabotages the dreams of millions, robs them of opportunities, and leaves them grappling with the harsh realities of life.

Hence, to truly achieve peace, we must confront and conquer this common enemy.

At the heart of my conviction lies the understanding that peace through trade is not a mere slogan; it is a profound strategy for fostering global harmony.

It transcends traditional notions of diplomacy and geopolitical alliances. Instead, it relies on the transformative power of economic engagement and shared prosperity.

Let us acknowledge that every individual, regardless of nationality or background, aspires for a life of dignity and security.

It is the simple yet profound notion that one can sleep peacefully when their belly is full and when they can provide for their family.

As entrepreneurs and leaders, we have the unique opportunity and responsibility to make this aspiration a reality for people across the globe.

Trade serves as the catalyst for this transformation. By fostering economic exchange, we create jobs, generate income, and alleviate poverty.

It is not a zero-sum game; instead, it is a collaborative endeavor where nations and peoples can lift each other up.

As we engage in commerce, we forge bonds that transcend political tensions, as prosperity knows no borders.

To achieve peace through trade, we must first acknowledge the interconnectedness of our global economy.

A prosperous world requires the active participation of all nations, big and small.

It necessitates a commitment to fair trade practices that empower developing economies rather than exploit them.

By focusing on inclusive growth, we can ensure that the benefits of trade reach the farthest corners of society.

Moreover, increasing exports becomes a vital instrument in this pursuit.

As we boost our exports, we not only enhance our own economic standing but also contribute to the prosperity of our trading partners.

This symbiotic relationship fosters goodwill, builds trust, and lays the foundation for enduring peace.

The ultimate measure of our success in promoting peace through trade lies in the growth of a nation’s GDP.

As trade flourishes, so does the economic well-being of a country.

This, in turn, translates into improved living standards, better education, and enhanced healthcare for its citizens.

A rising GDP is a testament to the positive impact of our collective efforts to eradicate poverty through economic empowerment.

In conclusion, let us embark on a journey where our commitment to peace is not just rhetoric but a lived reality.

As members of the Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club, let us be the architects of change, the champions of prosperity, and the ambassadors of peace through trade.

Together, we can create a world where the shackles of poverty are shattered, and the dreams of every individual are within reach.


Mobin Rafiq

Founding Chairman

Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club



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