Interim Government’s marvelous job

Independent Report

QUETTA: The interim Balochistan Government did a marvelous job by completing a road project under the Quetta Development Package in short span of four months, which otherwise pending for last seven years.
The caretaker Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki formally inaugurated the Link Badini Road extension project.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister regretfully pointed out that the pace of projects of Quetta Development Package was very slow, however, provision of necessary funds was ensured for the road project by the interim government.
In addition to this, the hurdles were also removed in way of execution of the projects by extending complete administrative support.
Moreover, all available resources were also mobilized for providing benefits of the projects, he mentioned adding that the foundation stone of the Sabzal road to link road Samungli cross via Shabo to Airport road has also been laid.
He also said that the pending project of Link Badini road has been completed during the period of caretaker government.
Mr. Domki said that it is our utmost endeavour to complete the public projects of collective important nature at the earliest.
He also said that the welfare of masses is included in priorities of the caretaker government. He was of the view that there would be marked improvement in flow of traffic with completion of the roads and communication projects in Quetta city. The general public would also have the facility of alternate roads instead of the crowded ones in the city, he added.
The caretaker Chief Minister vowed that other projects of Quetta Development Package would also be completed soon. The projects of Sariab road, Sabzal road and Anscomb road would also be completed in short period, he pledged.
He also assured to extend wholehearted assistance to the important initiative of public nature and importance.

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